Ice Cream Social
Heifer International Mission Support
Give, and it will be given to you...Luke 6:38
St. Andrew's designated mission support for August was Heifer International. During this month the congregation had multiple opportunities to raise money for this non-profit that provides animals to families living in underdeveloped nations worldwide. Quarters were collected in the coin tube, and Fill-the-Ark donation boxes were available to members of the congregation and sent home with each Sunday School family. On the last Sunday of the month, an Ice Cream Social was held in the Killduff Park where vanilla and chocolate sundaes along with a variety of toppings were served. As a result, a total of $519.00 was raised. Thanks to everyone who helped organize this successful fundraiser.
With the money, the Sunday School children decided to buy two trios of rabbits, 2 flocks of chickens, 2 shares of fish, 1 sheep, 1 goat, and one share of a cow. These animals, provided by Heifer International, will help lift families round the world out of poverty.
With the money, the Sunday School children decided to buy two trios of rabbits, 2 flocks of chickens, 2 shares of fish, 1 sheep, 1 goat, and one share of a cow. These animals, provided by Heifer International, will help lift families round the world out of poverty.