Martin Luther Returns
On Sunday, May 7, Martin Luther interpreter Pastor Don Rothweiler returned to St. Andrew's to present Luther's thoughts regarding the vocation into which baptism calls believers. For the past thirty years, Pastor Rothweiler has been spinning the various threads of Luther's thoughts into cogent presentations on Luther: the man, his preaching, his contemporaries, his humor, and his faith.
Martin Luther Visits St. Andrew's
On Sunday, Oct. 23, Pastor Don Rothweiler, a Martin Luther impersonator, visited St. Andrew's to kick-off a year-long celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Pastor Rothweiler, a student of Luther and a graduate of university studies in Germany, was inspired by the performances of Hal Holbrook's one-man show, "Mark Twain Tonight." He reasoned that Luther, like Twain, was a very unusual thinker and that Luther could be made to speak in meaningful ways to contemporary audiences. For the past 30 years, Pastor Rothweiler has been spinning the various threads of Luther's thoughts into presentations on the man, his preaching, his contemporaries, his humor, and his faith. Luther's life and works resulted in the formation of the Lutheran Church.