“I know not the way God leads me, but well do I know my Guide.”
--Martin Luther
Parking is available on the gravel and grassy areas north and east of the church. Handicap parking is located
on the west side of the building.
Parking is available on the gravel and grassy areas north and east of the church. Handicap parking is located
on the west side of the building.
The front entrance is located on the south side of the church facing the highway. An east entrance accesses the main level and the lower basement level while the south entrance accesses the lower level. The lift entrance is located on the west side of the church directly off the handicap parking area.
The front entrance is located on the south side of the church facing the highway. An east entrance accesses the main level and the lower basement level while the south entrance accesses the lower level. The lift entrance is located on the west side of the church directly off the handicap parking area.
The TheTMain Level includes the sanctuary, the pastor's office, a meeting room, and a gathering area.
In the Lower Level are the fellowship hall, the church library, the children's Sunday school area, the kitchen, and the restrooms. Check out the Photo Gallery tab for pictures of our recently refurbished sanctuary and lower level.sanchilSufelld dsch
The TheTMain Level includes the sanctuary, the pastor's office, a meeting room, and a gathering area.
In the Lower Level are the fellowship hall, the church library, the children's Sunday school area, the kitchen, and the restrooms. Check out the Photo Gallery tab for pictures of our recently refurbished sanctuary and lower level.sanchilSufelld dsch