Memorial Day Worship/Picnic
On Sunday, May 28, St. Andrew's hosted a joint lay worship service with members of Holy Trinity Lutheran. Worship began at 10:00 a.m. with Ange Sevenbergen from Holy Trinity leading the liturgy and Doug Bell from St. Andrew's providing the children's sermon and message. In honor of Memorial Day, patriotic hymns such as "O Beautiful for Spacious Skies", "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory", and "This Is My Song" filled the church. A picnic potluck followed worship. Grilled hamburgers and hot dogs were provided with members bringing a picnic side or dessert to share. Winners of the Homemade Potato Salad Challenge were Ange Sevenbergen from Holy Trinity and Marlene Sharp from St. Andrew's. They each received a 5 lbs. bag of potatoes. The service was moving, the weather was perfect, and the food was delicious. A truly blessed Memorial Day.